
Code Circuit is a blog about both frontend and backend technologies built by Ammaar Aslam, with a primary focus on Python (& Sometimes NodeJS) for backend, APIs, automation and React & Gatsby for frontend web development. This is the place where I ‘nerd’ about programming and improve my current skills while helping others.


The main goal of Code Circuit is to share the knowledge that I gain in my programming journey and to help other developers like me to improve their programming skills.
It is also a place of reference for myself (I frequently go back to my old posts to remind me how to do something), so we are all in it together. I wouldn’t write about something that I myself wouldn’d want to refer😉.

Why Code “Circuit”?

There isn’t a big story behind but if you really care about it, it’s because I love working computer hardware equally as much as i love working with software.
That’s it, but thanks for thinking about it😊.


This site is built with Gatsby (a really cool and powerful static site genorator for React), Styled-Components (a CSS in Javascript tool for styling) and Netlify (for hosting).

The site’s theme is a bit inspired by Sarah Drasner’s Awesome Nightowl VS Code theme

Also checkout the uses page.

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